Are you struggling to keep up with your bills or starting to fall behind on rent or other expenses? At Cash Cow Baton Rouge, we could help you get the cash you need to get a handle on your money troubles today. To get started on obtaining up to $1,400 in title loan cash or up to $300 in payday loan cash, just send us some basic data about yourself through our online request form and a store representative will contact you right away. During this brief call, they will verify that you have the required items listed below, answer any questions you have and explain how the process of getting cash for your car works.
Once this call is complete, you can drive your vehicle down to our store to finish up the process and get your cash. Conveniently located at 14140 Coursey Boulevard, we are on the corner of Coursey Boulevard and Market Street. Look for us across the street from Murphy Express and Walmart Neighborhood Market, right next door to AAMCO Transmissions and Total Car Care. When you arrive, one of our loan associates will help you with the paperwork while your vehicle is inspected to determine your top loan amount. Within a few short minutes, you could have the fast cash you need to handle your expenses. All credit is welcome, and you keep your vehicle and use it like usual while repaying your loan. Ready to learn more about how a title loan from Cash Cow could help you? Fill out our online title loan request form now!
Turn your car into fast cash for things like medical bills, auto repairs or other unexpected expenses. Use your car to get up to $1,400 fast and easy.
Cash Cow offers payday loans as a fast and easy alternative to get the cash you need. Get $100 - $300 in-store in as little as 30 minutes.
Have additional questions? Check out our Title Loan FAQs and Payday Loan FAQs for more information on Title Loans and Payday Loans in LA
Get a Louisiana payday loan or title loan from Cash Cow of Louisiana when you need same-day cash in a hurry! We offer convenient online title loans where no store visit is required and also in-store payday loans in Louisiana. To get started, fill out the simple online form above or give us a call at any one of our convenient store locations near you.
Get the emergency cash you need without the hassles of a traditional bank loan! Cash Cow of Louisiana has you covered with payday loans up to $300 or car title loans up to $1,400. Apply today!