What Is A Payday Loan?
When you’re having financial trouble that just cannot wait, it might be useful to know what a payday loan is. Why a payday loan? Because it helps you borrow a small amount of money specifically to deal with urgent matters.
So, what is a payday loan, actually? This quick guide will tell you the things you need to know about this loan type and how to get one today.
What Is A Payday Loan Exactly?
A payday loan is a variety of short-term emergency cash loan that is intended to help you make ends meet until you get paid again. In the state of Louisiana, you can typically receive amounts between $100 and $300 when you apply for a payday loan.
It is important to remember that payday loans are not meant to be a way for you to solve long-term financial difficulties. Payday loans are meant to be a quick emergency solution to a short-term problem that you are having.
What Are The Advantages Of A Payday Loan?
There are lots of advantages to applying for a payday loan in Louisiana instead of going to a bank for a traditional bank loan. Some of those advantages include:
- You do not need to bring lots of paperwork or materials with you when you are applying for a payday loan
- You can experience world-class customer service at a location convenient to you
- You can get your emergency cash deposited directly into your account today
- You can get $100-$300 emergency cash today
What Materials Do You Need To Bring With You To Apply For A Payday Loan?
One of the best things about applying for a payday loan over a traditional bank loan is that you do not need to bring a lot of different materials with you when you are applying. There are just a handful of things that you need to bring with you to apply for a payday loan:
- An active checking account that is open under your name
- Proof of income in the form of your most recent pay stub
- You must be at least 18 years old or older
- You must present your driver’s license or another valid form of government-issued photo ID
- You must have a blank check from the active checking account that is open in your name
How Is The Loan Calculated?
Your payday loan is calculated based on factors such as your income and your ability to repay the loan. In the state of Louisiana, you can typically get between $100 to $300 when you apply for a payday loan.
Does Your Credit Score Matter?
No, one of the best things about applying for a payday loan is that it will not have any impact on your credit score. Cash Cow is happy to work with you to give you the help that you need, regardless of whether you have good, bad, or nonexistent credit.
What Is A Payday Loan Provider Near Me?
If you are in emergency financial distress, you might be asking yourself “What is a payday loan provider near me?” Well, there is an easy answer to that question – Cash Cow. Cash Cow is a payday loan provider that understands you and will help you through your hardship.
What Is The Process Of Getting A Payday Loan?
Lucky for you, the process of getting a Louisiana payday loan could not be easier. You simply start by filling out the online inquiry form that you will be quickly contacted by a loan specialist representing Cash Cow.
When you get this phone call, you and your loan specialist will confirm that you have all of the materials that you need to apply for the loan. They will help you set up an appointment and answer any questions that you have about the loan process.
When you show up for your appointment with your materials, you will meet with your loan specialist agent again to finish filling out the rest of the application. Once your application is approved, you can walk out the door with your emergency cash in as little as half an hour.
Get Your Payday Loan Today!
Life would probably be easier if you had a way to get the money you need to cover your bill, storm damage, injury, or whatever other expenses come from the particular emergency you are in.
There is a way that you can get this money though. If times are tough, one option that you can consider is getting a payday loan with Cash Cow. Call us today to learn more or fill out a short online form to get started!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.