10 Things You Didn’t Know About Emergency Eviction Loans
If you get an eviction notice, don’t panic. You can use emergency eviction loans, such as title loans, to pay off your rent in full and avoid eviction. Before applying for emergency evection loans, there are 10 things you need to know first. Read on to learn what these 10 things are.
10 Things To Know About Emergency Eviction Loans
Before applying for an emergency eviction loan, make sure you are educated about the loan type. Here are 10 things you probably don’t know about emergency eviction loans that you should know before signing any agreement:
1. You Might Be Able To Negotiate A Payment Plan With Your Landlord
Before applying for an emergency eviction loan, talk to your landlord. If there is a legitimate issue as to why you haven’t been able to pay rent, you might be able to negotiate a payment plan with your landlord. Although this won’t work with all landlords, it’s worth a try.
2. Emergency Eviction Loans Can Keep You At Home
The whole point of emergency eviction loans is to get you cash fast so that you can pay rent before the eviction deadline. As a result, emergency eviction loans can keep you at home, even if you are behind on your rent.
3. Bad Credit Shouldn’t Stop You
Although bad credit may make you feel as though you have limited options, it shouldn’t stop you from applying for emergency eviction loans. Many lenders offer options for those with bad credit giving nearly everyone a chance to qualify.
4. Emergency Eviction Loans Are Easy And Convenient
Emergency eviction loans are easy and convenient because they are paid out quickly and handled discreetly. You don’t have to undergo the same lengthy process as you would when getting a conventional loan from a bank.
5. Title Loans Are The Most Popular Emergency Eviction Loans
The most popular type of emergency eviction loans are title loans. This type of short-term loans can get you the cash you need quickly. Plus, the loan amount is often smaller than other loans, which means that the amount you get is more tailored to the amount you owe your landlord.
6. You Can Get Started Online
One convenient feature of emergency eviction loans is that you can get a title loan online. Navigate to the Main Page of Cash Cow’s website, select the type of loan you want to get, and fill out the form to kickstart the emergency eviction loan process.
7. You Can Get The Cash You Need In As Little As 30 Minutes
If you are at risk of eviction, you need cash fast. With Cash Cow, you can get your emergency eviction loan in under 30 minutes. That way, you can avoid eviction by paying off your rent by its due date.
8. You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your House…
You don’t even need to leave your house for the application process. Cash Cow offers an over-the-phone application option so that you do not have to visit the store. That way, you can quickly and efficiently begin the process of getting the emergency eviction loans you need.
9. … But You Can Visit In-Store Locations If You Feel More Comfortable
If you feel more comfortable, you can always visit in-store locations too. With both over-the-phone and in-store options, you have the option to select whichever method is most comfortable and convenient for you.
10. You Can Save Your Home Today
Save your home today with an emergency eviction loan. All it takes is a single phone call to keep you and the ones you love in the house you call home.
How Title Loans Can Help You Prevent The Eviction
A title loan is a short-term type of emergency loan that lets you use the value of your vehicle to borrow a lump sum of cash. To qualify for a title loan, you should be an outright owner of your car of legal age.
Cash Cow offers up to $1400 to cover your emergency expenses associated with inability to pay your rent. One of the greatest advantages of title loans is that you don’t have to give up the possession of your vehicle which allows you to continue driving to work while working toward the loan repayment.
Get A Title Loan Today To Avoid Eviction!
Don’t take your eviction lying down. Instead, apply for emergency eviction loans so that you can stay in your home. It’s important to educate yourself on the nature of emergency eviction loans so that you get the best loan for your circumstances.
Cash Cow provides emergency eviction loans in the form of online title loans. With this loan type, you can pay off your rent in full and avoid eviction. Contact Cash Cow today to start the process of saving your home now by submitting a short inquiry form on our website!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.