Signs You Need an Emergency Money Loan: When Should You Consider Borrowing?
If you’re pressed for money and need an emergency money loan immediately, fast payday loans could be the solution you’re looking for.
Pressed For Cash? Here's How To Get An Emergency Money Loan
How Do I Know I Need an Emergency Money Loan?
If your problem doesn’t require to be dealt with immediately – then it’s not an emergency and you’ll be better off just saving money to deal with it in the future.
But if you’re dealing with something that’s either going to further complicate your life or exacerbate and cost you more unless you deal with it ASAP – a car breakdown, unplanned doctor’s visit, house repairs – then you have an emergency on your hand. And if you have no money in your budget, you’ll be better off taking out an emergency money loan rather than waiting.
And when it comes to emergency money loans, payday loans are some of the best. Here’s why:
1. You Don’t Have To Jump Through Bureaucratic Hoops To Get Your Emergency Money Loan
Getting a loan at the bank is a long and excessively complicated process. You’ll likely have to pay multiple visits and provide multiple documents to get the money you need. The payday loan application process, by comparison, is the equivalent of 2+2 versus college calculus. You will only need to satisfy a few requirements and provide a couple of documents to be eligible for the loan:
- You must be a legal adult (at least 18 years old) – and need to provide the lender with a government-issued ID that proves it;
- You need to have some sort of income – and to provide your most recent pay stub as proof;
- You need an active checking account in your name – and to provide a blank check from it.
That’s it.
2. You Don't Need To Worry About Your Credit History
Everyone knows that their credit history plays a deciding part when they apply for a loan at a bank. It will be checked under a magnifying glass and if a bank finds anything unsatisfying in the records, they could deny you the loan without even explaining the reasons.
Not a problem, when you’re applying for a payday loan.
Your credit history isn’t a factor – so you can apply and get approved not only if your credit score is bad, but even if it’s outright non-existent!
Additionally, if your credit score is good and you’re worried a short-term fast loan will negatively influence it – you can stop. The loan is just between you and the lender. No credit bureau will be getting information about it.
3. As Long As You’ve Got a Paycheck – You Can Apply For Payday Loans, Doesn’t Matter Where It’s Coming From
Another problem when trying to get an emergency money loan at a bank you might encounter is the very source of your income.
There are multiple characteristics the bank takes into account, and they might deem it inapplicable for multiple reasons, starting from stability and finished with the amount.
That’s not a problem at Cash Cow – as long as you’ve got a paycheck and you can provide proof (i.e. the pay stub), you’ll be eligible for the loan.
4. You’ll Be Getting The Cash In Less Than an Hour – So You Can Deal With The Issue Immediately
The problem when looking for options for an emergency money loan is that most lenders don’t seem to understand what emergency means.
You won’t encounter the same problem when applying for a loan at Cash Cow. Not only is the application process itself designed to be handled swiftly even by first-time borrowers, but the whole approval process itself takes less than an hour – often as little as 30 minutes. And you get the cash you need the same day! There’s really no quicker way to get the few hundred bucks you need to make the problem go away.
How Do I Acquire A Fast Payday Loan?
The easy and straightforward application process is one of the major reasons why payday loans are a great emergency money loan option. The process is so easy, in fact, that you can start the application procedure without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.
All you need to do is go to the Cash Cow homepage and fill out the inquiry form. Your information will go to the nearest location and you’ll get a call from one of the store representatives. The representative will provide information about the required items – you’ll need to provide them with your government-issued ID, proof of income (the pay stub), and a blank check – and walk you through what’s left of the application process.
This entire process usually takes no more than 30 to 45 minutes.
Needing an emergency money loan is stressful all on its own, extra stress isn’t necessary. Take these easy steps to get a payday loan today with the help of Cash Cow Louisiana.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.