The Fast Way To Get Same Day Payday Loans When You Really Need It
For those that want to borrow cash, same day payday loans can be seen as an option. What many people don't seem to realize is just how fast one of these loans can be obtained. In fact, not only can you get one same day, but you may be able to get one in as little as 30 minutes through Cash Cow. Here is what you should know about our payday loans and how they work.
Get Your Same Day Payday Loans With This Information
What Are Same Day Payday Loans?
A payday loan is a short-term loan that is meant to be paid by the time your next payday rolls around. Despite the name, your income source doesn't necessarily have to be through employment. In some cases, people can get a same day payday loan if they have other sources of income like unemployment or disability benefits. Just make sure to have the appropriate documents to prove your source of income.
What Are Same Day Payday Loans Used For?
In an ideal world, we would all be able to budget for emergencies. However, with many people living paycheck to paycheck, this can become immensely difficult. These people may be able to cover their normal expenses like their bills, rent, and so on.
But then there is very little left over to cover emergencies. This means that when they do have an emergency that can't wait until their next paycheck, they run into problems.
Louisiana payday loans are designed to cover those emergency expenses you cannot handle alone. This means costs that simply cannot wait until the next paycheck. For example, you can use same day payday loans from Cash Cow for:
- Making sure unexpectedly high bills do not go late;
- Covering medical expenses like prescriptions;
- Dealing with household repairs, particularly those that can have an impact on day-to-day life;
- Vehicle repair costs
Can You Really Get Same Day Payday Loans?
When it comes to quick help, Cash Cow in Louisiana offers same day payday loans. In fact, payday loans are not just same-day, but the process from when you walk into the store lasts around 30 minutes to complete. And if you are approved, you can get the money either the same day or the next bank business day.
How Can You Get Payday Loans?
Since many people seek payday loans to cover immediate emergency expenses, we here at Cash Cow have tried to ensure that the process of obtaining same day payday loans is as headache-free as possible.
The entire process will begin by filling in a short inquiry form on our website. This will collect a few basic pieces of information so we can give you a call to get the ball rolling. The most important piece of information that we collect is all kept confidential.
Shortly after you have filled in that form, a representative from your closest location will give you a call. They will ask for a few additional pieces of information and ensure that you know what a payday loan is all about. Then you can head down to the nearest payday loans near me with the required items to continue. The required items include:
- A driver’s license or state-issued photo ID;
- Your most recent pay stub or proof of another income source;
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name.
We will assess your information and determine if you qualify for approval. If you do, we will walk through the loan terms and help you finish the paperwork. Once everything is finished, you can get the money either that very same day or the next bank business day.
Cash Cow Is An Option For Payday Loans
Because Cash Cow has locations throughout Louisiana, you should never be too far from your local Cash Cow store. This is how the lending process is so fast. Those that need to borrow cash quickly shouldn't need to travel great distances to do so.
We here at Cash Cow welcome people of all types of credit. This includes those with both great or poor credit. So, don't worry if you have had issues with your credit score in the past. The main consideration is that you will have the ability to pay a loan back now.
Our loans are available for any amount between $100 and $300. This should be enough to cover short-term emergencies you cannot handle alone. Keep in mind that it will not permanently fix your financial situation or have any long-term effects.
Inquire About Same Day Payday Loans Today
Looking for same day payday loans in Louisiana? Cash Cow may be able to help out. With loans between $100 and $300 offered through a simple and convenient process, It could be an option to consider to get you out of a short-term problem. Just fill out our online form now to get the process started.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.