Get Help with Funeral Costs and Paying for Burial
When a loved one passes away, the last thing on your mind is how to pay for the funeral.
It’s difficult to think about, but the cost of a funeral is often beyond someone’s means. On average, a funeral in the United States runs nearly $8,000. Cremation isn’t much more affordable. On average, a funeral with cremation is $7,000.
Help With Funeral Costs Broken Down
Those high costs have led many to seek help with funeral costs. The good news is that if you’re struggling financially, there are many ways to get help. Here are just a few of the approaches to consider after the death of a loved one.
Nonprofits And Charities
A slew of local and national nonprofits and charities are focused on offering help with funeral costs. Some offer general help while others are designed for specific circumstances.
Children’s Burial Assistance is an organization that works with families who are dealing with the death of a child, usually covering everything from full cremation and burial fees to donating burial plots for those in need.
Similar charities include the TEARS Foundation, which offers help with burial costs for children up to 1-year-old, and Final Farewell, which provides emotional and financial support for families burying children.
Government Programs
Funeral assistance for the elderly, disaster victims, military veterans, and more can be found through federal government programs.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency offers burial assistance for those who died as result (directly or indirectly) of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or earthquake.
In addition, the Social Security Administration provides help with funeral costs by offering death settlements of about $255 to the children or spouse of one who has died.
Spouses and children may also be able to receive survivor benefits, which could help with costs if the loved one who has died was at retirement age.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs distributes various levels of assistance for funeral costs, including financial help for those who died in the line of duty or died in a way that’s not service-related. Spouses also usually receive additional benefits.
Statewide Programs
If you encounter difficulty getting assistance from government programs, state programs may pick up the slack. If the deceased benefited from Medicaid, it may offer lump payouts that can be used to prepare for funeral expenses.
This option varies across the states. Local and state governments often have programs in place for those who are low-income and cannot pay for funeral expenses. Such programs sometimes cover the entire funeral costs.
These are often overseen under a General Assistance Program. For example. Maine’s program provides help of up to $1,000 for burial and cremations through general assistance.
Join A Memorial Society
All but a dozen states in America are home to memorial societies which offer everything from advice on how to save when paying for a funeral to discounts on various funeral services.
Such societies have initial membership fees and annual renewal costs, but they are typically minimal (between $20-$40). The result can be a simple burial that you can afford, often as low as $800 to $1,000.
Consider Burial Insurance
Yes, there are insurance options that help with funerals, and the rates are based on age, health, and sex, the same as you would encounter with medical insurance.
Rates vary by provider, but they can offer substantial help. On average, a $35 policy for a woman in excellent health comes with a death benefit of $10,000, which will likely cover the entire cost of a funeral.
Use A Payday Advance
For those facing a financial emergency such as unexpected and high funeral costs, a payday advance offers an option for assistance.
Designed as a short-term loan to cover emergencies between paychecks, a payday loan is a quick and easy way for those who are employed to get help with funeral expenses. Those who qualify can receive up to $300 in emergency funds from Cash Cow Louisiana.
All you need is your most recent paystub, a driver’s license or state-issued identification, and a blank check from a checking account that is in your name and active. It can take as little as 30 minutes to qualify.
Just start online. Fill out the online inquiry form on our homepage and we will give you a quick phone call to discuss payday loans and guide you through the rest of the process. Once you are approved, you can get the help you need that same day or the very next business day.
Get Started Today
Those who need help with funeral costs need to find a quick and easy solution for assistance. A payday advance is an option to get relief today. Start the process online, give us a call, or visit a Cash Cow Louisiana location near you to get the help you need.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.