Learn How To Borrow Money Instantly With Payday Loans Online
Many people in Louisiana search for ways to borrow money instantly to help them deal with emergency expenses, and Cash Cow is here to help with payday loans. If you need some cash to cover emergency costs until payday, consider payday loans online as a way to get quick cash. This is a way to get between $100 and $300 in your pocket until your next paycheck arrives. So, if you’d like to know more about this option, read this guide right now.
Use These Steps To Get A Payday Loan For Instant Money
1. Meet The Basic Requirements
To borrow money instantly through payday loans online, you’ll need to bring in three items for us to assess whether you qualify for approval or not. The first item is your driver’s license or a state-issued photo ID. Payday loans in Louisiana are only for those 18 years or older. So us using your driver’s license or state-issued photo ID allows us to confirm your age and identity. If you’ve had a name change, make sure your driver’s license or ID reflect it.
The second item you’ll need is proof of income. Proof of income is the way you show you can repay a loan in the future. Once you borrow money instantly through a payday loan, you’ll repay it at the time of your next paycheck. While usually you’d show your most recent pay stub, you potentially can use another form of income as long as you have the appropriate proof. Speak with our representative and be sure you have some formal and legal documentation that can attest to your income.
The last item you need to find out if you qualify for a payday loan is an active checking account in your name. This is the account that will likely repay your loan come your next payday. The bank account will need to be under your name and used at least once a month to be considered active. Submit a blank check to prove your account’s existence. If you can’t access a paper check, speak with our representative to find a solution.
2. Connect With Your Local Cash Cow
Once you have your three documents ready, you’ll connect with us to begin the process. You can call us directly or have us call you through our online request form. Don’t worry about this form because we just use it to get your contact information. This means we make sure your personal information is kept completely confidential. You’ll just fill in your basic details and a representative from the nearest office will give you a call a few minutes later.
3. Finish Your Application In-Store
To borrow money instantly, you’ll need to spend some time at one of our locations to sign the paperwork and access your cash. While that does mean having to come into the store, we make sure you spend as little time with us as possible. This means it’s nothing compared to the days or even weeks it takes to find out if you’ve been approved for a personal loan at a traditional lender like your local bank.
Our representative will provide the location of and directions to your nearest Cash Cow. Or, if you’d prefer to find them yourself, you can easily go to our payday loan locations page and scroll through all the locations we have throughout Louisiana. Once at the nearest office, you’ll sit down with one of our loan representatives who’ll assess your items to determine if you qualify for approval. You’ll be glad to hear that this process should take a minimum of 30 minutes to complete.
4. Find Out If You Are Approved And Get The Cash
Once we’ve had a chance to assess your items, we will let you know if you qualify for approval and how much we can lend you. If you do qualify for approval, all you have to do is finish some paperwork and have us go over the loan terms. Once you are done with the paperwork and you understand all of our terms and what’s expected of you, you’ll have your cash that same day or the next bank business day. Now it’s time to pay off those bills and breathe easy!
Stop Thinking About It And Get Your Cash Now
If you’ve read through this guide, you’ve learned all you need to know about the basics of payday loans online. Remember, our payday loan process was designed to be simple and quick to get through. Plus, we are always available to help you borrow money instantly when you really need it. So, don’t succumb to stress until your next paycheck – borrow money instantly through Cash Cow today. Fill out the online form right now to get started.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.