Apply For An Online Payday Loan Right From The Comfort Of Your Own Home
The best part about an online payday loan from Cash Cow is that you can begin the process while sitting on your couch. This is a convenient option for those who need to get their hands on the money as fast as possible, as it allows to get the procedure started whenever you feel like it. How exactly do online payday loans work and how long does it usually take to find out if you can get approved? You’ll find all the answers below in this guide.
What Exactly Is The Process Of Getting A Payday Loan Online?
The main difference between an online payday loan and a regular payday loan is the fact that you wouldn’t have to drive to the store and wait in line just to provide your basic information. Though you would still have to pay a visit to one of our Louisiana stores to finalize the process, you’ll be able to save quite some time if you begin the process online.
Another reason why payday loans online have been gaining popularity recently is because applying for them is less stressful with us at Cash Cow. You’ll get to talk to a representative before stepping foot in the store, and once you do arrive at the store, you will feel a lot more confident as you have already been told about what to expect!
How To Apply For An Online Payday Loan
Though you can, of course, choose to just drive straight to the store to give us your basic information, you might want to pick another path. Picking an online payday loan means you don’t have to – as we said – wait in line just to give us basic information. Instead, we have a secure online form you can quickly fill out right on the homepage of our website. This form will send us your basic information so that, once you do arrive, we can get right into the loan. Here are the steps you’ll take:
- Fill out a short online form with some basic information – this will let our representatives know that you’re interested in taking out a loan.
- Very soon, one of the representatives will give you a call. They will tell you more about the process and what documents you would have to prepare. If you have any questions, the representative would be happy to provide you with all the answers.
- Arrive at the nearest store location at the designated time with the required items. The loan representative will check your documents and prepare a loan agreement for you, in case you get qualified. This whole process might take only half an hour.
- You will receive the loan amount in the shortest timeframe after the final papers have been signed if you are approved.
What Documents Are You Going to Need?
We here at Cash Cow won’t require you to bring in dozens of papers. In fact, you’re going to need only three items to find out if you qualify for approval. And if, for some reason, you cannot provide one of these documents, make sure to ask the loan representative what options you might have during the phone call. In some cases, we can consider alternative sources of income. Here are the items you’ll need to bring in these three items:
- Your driver’s license or state-issued photo ID.
- A blank check from an active bank account that is open in your name.
- Your most recent pay stub.
Reasons To Choose Cash Cow
Now that you know the process and what documents you’ll need, you are probably wondering why you should choose us to get your online payday loan. Well, there are plenty of reasons that makes us at Cash Cow a reputable company to help you find out if you can get the loan you need. We work hard to make this a trustworthy company for you. In fact, here are four reasons that will help you make your decision to choose us much easier:
- We have numerous stores throughout Louisiana for you to choose from. All you have to do is check our locations page to find the addresses and phone numbers to get in contact with your nearest store. Alternatively you can just fill out the online form and it’ll automatically go to your nearest store location.
- Our loan representatives are experienced professionals who are committed to providing you with the best service possible. They are always there to answer all of your questions and guide you through the process so that you can get the much-needed cash as fast as possible.
- Cash Cow offers online payday loans which means that you can begin the process from your house. Plus, once you show up for your meeting, the entire in-person process can be as fast as 30 minutes. And by the end, you’ll know if you are approved and how much you can get – which can be anything up to $300.
- We are ready to consider all credit situations. In fact, we don’t even report your loan to any credit bureaus, so you don’t have to worry about the online payday loan having an impact – whether negative or positive – on your credit score.
Get Your Online Payday Loan Today!
An online payday loan is a convenient way to receive cash for those who urgently need some extra money. With us at Cash Cow, you can fill out the inquiry form from the comfort of your house and then chat with a loan representative who will answer any questions that you might have. By the way, if your loan gets approved, you will receive the cash at the store location the same day or by the next bank business day! Can’t wait any longer? Then complete the online payday loan form right now!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.