How To Get A Payday Cash Advance – Bad Credit Borrower Tips
A payday cash advance for bad credit is an option for those who may be struggling to deal with emergency expenses. We want to share with you a few tips to ensure that that you get the most from your payday cash advance. We will also help you determine whether this is the right option for you.
What Is A Payday Cash Advance For Bad Credit?
A payday cash advance allows you to borrow a small amount of cash until your next paycheck comes in. Here at Cash Cow, you can get between $100 and $300.
Can you get payday cash advance with bad credit? And is it even possible to get a loan if your credit leaves much to be desired?
A payday cash advance for bad credit means that you may still be able to obtain a loan, even if other lenders would turn you down. What qualifies an applicant for a payday loan is their ability to pay it off, not their credit history. That’s why it might be a good idea to try payday cash advance for bad credit when you’re facing an emergency and need cash ASAP.
What is more, payday loans are not reported to credit agencies. This means that they are not a credit-building option.
Tips For Getting A Payday Cash Advance For Bad Credit
Make Sure You Exhausted Other Finance Options
A payday cash advance for bad credit is an option for those who need cash quickly. However, it is not always the only option. Sometimes it’s better to look for other ways to make money. Here are a few ideas you may try first:
- Ask friends and family whether they can loan you cash.
- Ask your employer whether they can provide you with a pay advance. Some may do so if you are a good employee.
- Look for quick money earning options e.g. freelance work, driving for Uber, etc.
If you have exhausted other quick finance options, then a payday cash advance is a good idea.
Determine Why You Need To Borrow Cash
The best tip that we can give you when you are considering whether you need a payday cash advance for bad credit is to determine the level of urgency of your problem. Here are a few examples when payday loans are an option worth considering:
- Medical expenses
- Vehicle repair bills
- Emergency house repairs
- Appliance replacement
- Appliance repair costs
- To prevent an outstanding bill from going late
Basically, they are an option for those that have vital expenses that cannot wait until the next payday.
Prepare The Required Items In Advance
If you are considering a payday cash advance, then you can speed up the process by ensuring that you have all the required documents ready for submission. With Cash Cow, you will need the following:
- State-issued photo ID
- Your most recent paystub
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name.
Thankfully, none of these documents are going to be all that difficult to get your hands on. Chances are that you will have them within an easy reach anyway.
If you are not currently employed, ask the store if they accept other non-employed sources of income, such as social security, pension, and unemployment benefits.
Estimate The Cost Of Fixing Your Problem
It’s important to know how much it will cost you to fix the problem and choose the type of loan correspondingly. The payday loan option provided by Cash Cow offers the cash amounts of up to $300. If you need more cash than that, then you can get a title loan online. This will only be an option for those who outright own a vehicle.
How To Start The Payday Cash Advance Bad Credit
You can begin the inquiry process by filling in a short form on our website. This allows us to know a little bit more about you. You won't have to provide any documents at this stage.
Once you have filled in the form, one of our representatives will contact you by phone. This will normally happen within a short time after the form has been submitted. They will explain how the process works in detail, outline the main requirements, and schedule an appointment with a store associate for you.
Bring the required items to the meeting with the store associate. After reviewing your paperwork, they will determine if you qualify as well as how much cash you are eligible to receive. If the amount meets your needs, you’ll sign the agreement and get your cash either the same or next business day. Many of our customers were able to get the cash they need on the same day they apply.
Inquire About A Payday Cash Advance Today
A payday cash advance for bad credit can be a borrowing option for those who may not have other funding sources available. To start the Louisiana payday loan process today, call us at 1-800-514-2274 or simply fill out the short form on our website.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.