Use Your Car Title To Get Cash With A Title Loan
When it comes to using your car title to get cash, you probably think you can only do that by selling your car. However, when you come see us at Cash Cow, you can actually keep your car while using your car’s lien-free title as collateral for a loan! And the best part is applying for a title loan with us is easy! Keep reading through this article to discover how you can use your car’s title to secure money, especially when you’re facing a financial emergency!
How Can You Use Your Car To Get Cash?
The vehicle that you own can be a lifesaver in many ways, especially when you need to borrow cash quickly. More specifically, you can use the car title for that vehicle as collateral to secure a loan that’s easy to apply for and quick to get. As we said, this is called a title loan, and if you come to us at Cash Cow for one, it can give you fast access to cash between $300 to $1,400 based on the condition and value of your vehicle.
As we just said, the exact amount that you qualify to borrow will depend on your car’s value and its overall condition. That’s why a physical inspection is an important part of the process. During that quick inspection, a loan representative will take a few moments to assess your vehicle’s condition. Then, they’ll refer to a nationally recognized pricing guide to determine how much it’s worth and, by extension, how much you qualify to borrow.
But here’s one of the best parts of auto title loans: you get to keep your car no matter the outcome. That means if your loan is approved, you can get your cash and continue to drive your car like you usually do every day. Remember, it’s the title that you’re using to secure the loan. This means we will place a lien on your car’s title and hold onto it while you repay the loan. And once you’ve repaid the loan, we will remove the lien and safely return your title to you.
What Do You Need To Qualify For A Title Loan?
Another reason title loans are a popular option for borrowers is that they have simple requirements for you to meet. The best part is it won’t take long for most people to gather the required items described below and begin their loan process. As a matter of fact, you might already have all of these items with you right now! That means you could get started immediately whenever you want to! Here are the few requirements you must fulfill to find out if you can qualify for a car title loan:
- Minimum age: First and foremost, you must be at least 18 years old to apply for one of these loans. There’s no way around that, so wait until your 18th birthday if you’re not old enough yet.
- Vehicle title: Naturally, you must also have a car title. That title must show that you own the car outright, which means it must be lien-free and registered directly to you.
- Vehicle for inspection: As you read earlier, a physical inspection of your car must happen. So, you have to bring your vehicle in during your application so you can find out how much it’s worth.
- Identification: Lastly, you must also be able to provide a valid photo ID to apply. Your driver’s license will work, though you can also use another state-issued ID in its place.
What Is A Lien-Free Car Title?
A lien-free car title, also known as a ‘clear’ title, is one that doesn’t have any outstanding loans or judgments against it. In other words, it shows that you own your vehicle outright. Aside from being lien-free, your car title must also be registered in your name. Having it in your name means you’re authorized to use it as collateral to get money through a title loan. If that title is not in your name, please visit a DMV office to have it transferred to you.
How Do I Apply For A Title Loan?
Overall, the process is transparent and straightforward at Cash Cow. Still, you can ask any of our loan representatives any questions you might have during any step. We want this to be an easy process for you to find out if you qualify for approval as soon as possible. That is why we’ve made the steps so simple for you to follow. Here are the steps to use your car title to secure the cash you need quickly:
- First, get in touch with a nearby Cash cow location. You can contact us directly or have one of our loan representatives reach out to you by submitting the online form with your details.
- Second, talk to the loan representative to discuss setting up the vehicle inspection. This can either be at the nearest store location or at another location of your choosing.
- Third, bring your car and other required items to meet the loan representative. They’ll inspect your vehicle and verify your documents to determine if you qualify for approval.
- Finally, wait for a loan decision. If your loan is approved, you could get the cash pretty quickly, either the same day or by the next business day.
Take The First Step Now!
Using your car title to get cash through a car title loan is quick and easy, especially when you work with us at Cash Cow. We’ve made sure to make the process simple and quick so you don’t have to wait hours or even days to find out if you are approved. We give you answers as quick as we can. So don’t wait any longer and get started now by reaching out to the closest store or by submitting the online form with the required information.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.